Famous & Infamous Births & Deaths 19th February

We begin today’s posting with astronomer who managed to work out planets revolve around the sun – Nicholas Copernicus was a ray of light in his parents lives from 1473. Early day luvvie David Garrick made it through the curtains in 1717. Willem Alexander Paul Fredrik Lodewijk, or King William III of the Netherlands/Grand Duke of Luxembourg, and on his days off Duke of Limburg, started off in the Palace of the Nation, Brussels in the United Kingdom of the Netherlands back in 1817. Founder of French bank Crédit Lyonnais, Henri Germain made his initial deposit in 1824. Painter with the rather unfortunate surname, Gabriele Münter had the right expression when born in 1877. Track/field coach and co-founder of Nike – William Jay ‘Bill’ Bowerman wasn’t a fossil in 1911. Silent film actress Dorothy Penelope Jones, or Dorothy Janis made her non-silent debut in 1912. Classic character comedian Richard Gilbert ‘Dick’ Emery had some baby love in 1915. Actor with the distinctive voice and looks, Lee Marvin had the prime cut in 1924. Another famous person from Reigate, Surrey – musician/vocal arranger Michael ‘Mike’ Samme was starry eyed in 1928. Motown singer William ‘Smokey’ Robinson Jr’s., mum found she could take a hint seeing as he was born in 1940. Subject of film from 1983, union activist Karen Gay Silkwood had her first experience of gloves and gowns in 1946. President of Argentina who constantly banged on about the Falkland Islands, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner couldn’t dispute her birthday in 1953. Brazilian footballer, as opposed to Greek philosopher – Sócrates, (Brasileiro Sampaio de Souza Vieria de Oliveria), kicked things off in 1954. Co-star of Dumb & Dumber, Jeffrey Warren ‘Jeff’ Daniels heard some terms of endearment from his parents in 1955. Known for her role in dull 1980’s soap opera Dynasty, Kathleen Beller had no place to hide in 1956. Having mentioned Johann (Hans) Hözlel, or as he was also known, Falco, a couple of weeks ago when he died, here he is again given he came out of the dark in 1957. Also born that year, hard man actor Raymond Andrew ‘Ray’ Winstone started breaking and entering. Writer responsible for Bridget Jones, Helen Fielding found herself wearing large underwear from 1958. Now disgraced second son of Liz from Windsor, Prince Andrew Albert Christian Edward – Duke of York, didn’t sweat during birth in 1960. Someone else born that year, actress with the trout pout who was rather ‘active’ in the bedroom, Leslie Ash was home ruling the roost. Bald headed, scar faced singer and ex-Mr H Klum – Olusegun Olumide Adeola Samuel, or just Seal, managed to get it together given he arrived in 1963. Singer mentioned only yesterday in the deaths paragraph, Mark Anthony Morales aka Prince Markie Dee was just loungin’ from 1966. Actor Benicio Monserrate Rafael Del Torro Sánchez, who’s managed to cut that down to Benicio Del Torro, was fearless during birth in 1967. Author Jeffrey Patrick ‘Jeff’ Kinney started keeping a diary from 1971. Actress/television chef who’s now found presenting some cooking show with her husband – Lisa Tamsin Faulkner has wondered what’s cooking? since 1972. Male model with the un-showbiz name, David James Gandy started posing for the family album in 1980. Norwegian of the day, pop singer Maria Mena has been apparently unaffected by her birth in 1986. Actress Molly Bobby Brown was one of the intruders in 2004.

Deaths are again seemingly a bit thin on the ground, and we head back to 197 when Roman Govenor of Great Britain Clodius Septimus Albinus gave up building straight roads. Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Arundel received his last orders in 1414. Curly haired President of Harvard College, Charles Chauncy stopped learning in 1671. Having mentioned physicist/philosopher Ernst Waldfried Josef Wensel Mach only yesterday in celebration of his birth, here he is again given he slipped away in 1916. Austrian composer with the rather unfortunate surname, Robert Fuchs found himself somewhat fuched in 1927. Dead Norwegian of the day, author Knut Pederson, or to give his pen name, Knut Hamusun found the game of life over in 1952. Georgios Nikolaou Papanikolaou, (the person ladies have to thank for inventing the Pap test), failed the living test from 1962. Animator Edward Stacey ‘Tedd’ Pierce III found himself erased in 1972. Singer with hard rock band AC/DC, Ronald Belford ‘Bon’ Scott was on the highway to hell in 1980. Keeper of the little green suit, (and Mao’s little red book), whilst being Chairman of the Central Advisory Commission of the Communist Party of China, Deng Xiaoping dropped his chopsticks in 1997. Actor Lionel Jeffries has been the man in the sky since 2010. Designer of pinball machines, Steve Kordek ran out of lives in 2012. Writer of To Kill a Mockingbird, Nelle Harper Lee lost the plot in 2016. Fan waving, pony tailed fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld didn’t have to change out of his black clothes in 2019. Finally, Lego designer mentioned on 25th January in honour of his birth – Jens Nygaard Knudsen gets another go given he didn’t have to step on his creations in the dark again after this day in 2021.

With thanks to http://www.onthisday.com for filling in the gaps.

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