Famous & Infamous Births & Deaths 13th July

We celebrate the Births of the following, including probably the most famous person, (after Jesús), to have been on the planet – toga wearing, grape eating and wine swilling Roman Emperor Julius Caesar barged his way through in 100BC. First of four Popes to be mentioned today – Emilio Bonaventura Altieri who went onto become Pope Clement X, (the one with the moustache and thin beardy strip on his chin), had his first calling in 1590. Queen (Consort) of Bavaria – Friederike Karoline Wilhelmine von Baden was too small to lift a stein in 1776. Composer of the Irish national anthem – John Francis Larchet was the wee boy in bed from 1884. Not strictly a Pope in the proper way, but given his name – Loren Pope, deserves to get a mention as he started his term in 1910. Shipping magnate with large containers bobbing along the oceans of the world displaying his name – Mærsk Mc-Kinney Møller cleared the birth canal in 1913. Early day, (two time) F1 champ, Alberto Ascari was a ‘ciccio’ child in 1918. Birgit Agda Holmberg who chose the somewhat alternative name Git Gay, (but at least it wasn’t the other way round), had her first audience in 1921. Known in America for his game show hosting skills, John L. ‘Johnny’ Gilbert III announced his arrival in 1924. Gymnast who bagged eight Olympic medals over two games – Sofia Ivanovna Muratova contorted her way through in 1929. Having mentioned Patricia ‘Patsy’ Byrne on 17th June when she took her final bow, here she is again as she made her debut in 1933. Act tor of stage, (RSC no less), and screen all of which is sci-fi, (yawn), Patrick Stewart had his first contact with the world in 1940. Unlucky pilot who’s married someone young enough to be his daughter, action man actor Harrison Ford flew out solo in 1942. Hungarian inventor of infuriating 80’s toy, (unless you took it to pieces and rebuilt it), Ernö Rubik squared up in 1944. Other half of cannabis smoker and munchie sufferer, Tommy Chong – Richard ‘Cheech’ Marin nearly had a rude awakening in 1946. Norwegian of the day, Olympic medal winning rower Alf John Hansen made it through the front stop in 1948. Diminutive team captain on television news quiz show that’s way past its sell by date and editor of satirical magazine ‘Private Eye’ – Ian Hislop’s parents had some news to share in 1960. Actor Thomas James ‘Tom’ Kenny started his adventure time in 1962. Actor/comedian, Kendrick Kang-Joh Jeong, gave his mum the pain and gain moment in 1969. Yet another actor, Michael Mando started to wake up from 1981. Not wanting to be left out, second Norwegian of the day goes to Ida Maria Børli Sivertsen or just Ida Maria, didn’t suffer bad karma in 1984. Olympic winning dressage rider Charlotte Susan Jane Dujardin started having the trots in 1985. Actor born Steven Chadwick McQueen but known as Steven R. McQueen crossed the threshold in 1988. Singer/songwriter Todd Michael ‘Leon’ Bridges hasn’t been the inside friend to his mum from 1989. Student Nathan Law Kwun-chung activated from 1993.

Given we started the births paragraph with two Popes, we start the deaths one with Pope John III who had the fire stoked up in honour of him in 574. Continuing the religious theme and not wanting to have a Fatwa issued against me, all I’ll say is that Mohammad’s misses Aisha didn’t make it through the day in 678. Next up is Pope Leo VII who didn’t realise he wouldn’t put his zucchetto on again after 939. Continuing the religious theme, Arch Bish of Canterbury Hubert Walter didn’t have the bother of carrying his crozier around from 1205. Jianwen Emperor, (or second emperor of the Ming dynasty), who went by the personal name Zhu Yunwen found himself in a box rather than a vase in 1402. Early day Patrick Moore who took over from Edmund Halley as Astronomer Royal, James Bradley found the light went out permanently in 1782. Martin Dies Sr found his name a reality in 1922. Lady killer Ruth Ellis was left hanging about in Holloway Prison back in 1955. Founder of London, England, based restaurant chain The Chicago Pizza Pie Factory – Robert Michael ‘Bob’ Payton ended up in another type of oven back in 1994. Danish son who carried on children’s favourite plastic brick firm, Gotfred Kirk Christiansen deconstructed himself in 1995. Cigar chomping musician Máximo Francisco Repilado Muñoz Telles, known professionally as Compay Segundo, left the social club in 2003. Son of grunting bare chested actor who’s been plugging bread in the UK, (and was mentioned the other day), Sage Moonblood Stallone didn’t worry his agent after 2012. Singer/actor Corey Allan Michael Monteith reached his final destination in 2013. First wife of singer Frank – Nancy Rose Barbato Sinatra didn’t have to listen to him warming his vocal chords from 2018. Finally, daughter of Nelson & Winnie diplomatic poet Zindziswa “Zindzi” Mandela or Zindzi Mandela-Hlongwane, finished her prose in 2020.

With thanks to http://www.onthisday.com for filling in the gaps.

This will be my last posting for a couple of weeks as I’m going on a well earned holiday.

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